
MILK (2015 – 2018) was an arts residency devised and led by artist Sofie Layton and produced by Anna Ledgard with clinicians, researchers, staff and parents at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital (ELCH) Neo-natal Unit (NNU) and sound artist Jules Maxwell.  This two year partnership has resulted in the permanent installation of a series of 5 large artwork panels which contain screen-printed textile and multi-media pieces in which bio-medical language is juxtaposed with the language of care and comfort; brain scans alongside precious toys; tiny hands and feet with parental expressions of nurture and hope for a child’s future.  A poster presentation was made at a UNICEF baby-friendly conference in 2018 download here. Resource packs and a system for initiating arts-making with parents new to the unit have been devised and are in use and overseen by permanent staff and a dedicated volunteer.