Participatory projects

Anna collaborates with artists and clinicians in bio-medical settings to create innovative public art emerging from extended creative collaborations in hospital settings.  Recent projects include: Kicking Up Our Heels (2019 – 2020),  The Heart of the Matter (2016 – 2019) and MILK (2015 – 18) with artist Sofie Layton.  For over a decade she has worked regularly with artist Mark Storor and together they have established an ethical approach to making high quality innovative public art about some of the most difficult issues of public health. Mark and Anna completed The Barometer of My Heart in September 2015.  Visiting Time (2004), Boychild (2007) and For the Best (2009) and (2010) explored the connections between bio-medical science and the experience of illness all funded by the Wellcome Trust. For the Best was the winner of the 2009 TMA Theatre Award  for best show for children and young people.



With a focus on parent and carer wellbeing Anna Ledgard was part of a research team with artists Emily Underwood-Lee, Brian Lobel and Emily Speed at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) (2019/20).  The team worked with parents at GOSH and GOSH Arts to consider the importance of finding space for yourself when you’re a parent or […]



2016 – 2019

The Heart of the Matter is an exhibition that brings together art and medicine to reflect on the human heart. Through artworks inspired by patients with heart conditions, their families and clinicians, the exhibition invites you to discover the extraordinary nature and complexity of this organ. The Heart of the Matter was conceived by artist Sofie Layton and bioengineer Giovanni Biglino, and developed with health psychologist Jo Wray and produced by Anna Ledgard, Susie Hall and Nicky Petto in association with GOSH arts and Artsadmin.



2015 – 2017

Sound and visual arts residency with staff and families attending the Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit at Evelina London Children’s Hospital. Artist Sofie Layton.


The Barometer of My Heart

2013 - 2015

Arts project with Mark Storor exploring male health, masculine identity and potency in hospital, corporate and military settings. Performances Sept–October 2015.


Bedside Manners


Arts residency with staff, parents and children at Evelina Children’s Hospital Renal Unit. visual and sound installation open to public. Artist Sofie Layton.




Research project with Sofie Layton exploring creative artistic practices to express memories and experiences with bereaved parents.


Liverpool For the Best


Re-imagined performance led by Mark Storor based on London show and informed by residency at Royal Liverpool University Hospital renal unit and local primary schools.


For the Best


TMA Award winner 2009. imaginative exploration of family living with renal disease inspired by children living with dialysis, company led by Mark Storor.


Blood Makes Noise


Arts residency with patients at Dorset County Hospital exploring stories, challenges and experiences of living with renal disease. Film maker Peter Snelling.


A Model Patient


Arts residency with Mark Storor and Babis Alexiadis exploring renal care from perspectives of patient, nurse and consultant at Royal Liverpool University Hospital.


Visiting Time


An exploration of the science and human impact of genetic inheritance led by artist Mark Storor with patients and staff at Dorset County Hospital and schools in Bridport.




An arts and science project exploring perceptions and attitudes towards maleness in society today. Artist Mark Storor.

The installation is beautiful and there is a huge need for the work you have done with parents, please come back.

Bedside Manners

The Heart of the Matter is a fantastic thought-provoking territory. The combination of science and humanism, the scientific and the human side, makes for a unique experience.

The Heart of the Matter

It goes to the heart of what it means to be a man and how men feel about themselves. It’s not about sex, it’s about a sense of self and identity. I’m for anything that helps promote the conversation.

The Barometer of My Heart
Consultant Endocrinologist

I really love the artwork, the parents that have contributed are so proud of it. And I love that they can leave a little 'bit of their baby' behind with us when they leave so that we can remember them. ...Also, it makes the ward look more 'homely' and less clinical.’

Bedside Manners